I can take your case on from start to finish in the same way a firm of solicitors do
I can take your case on from start to finish in the same way a firm of solicitors do
I offer reasonable fees based on my hourly rate of £225ph.
Where I can I will ALWAYS offer fixed fees.
I DO NOT need you to instruct a solicitor and then have them also instruct me. If you do have solicitors acting you MUST dismiss them and send me all of your case papers before I can act.
I can act on criminal cases from your first attendance at court through to trial if pleading not guilty. I can offer fixed fees based on the complexity of the case. What should be the normal amount of prep needed and the number of pre trial hearings through to a 1 day trial. Of course the fee quote will have to change if your trial is listed for more than 1 day. The quote will include all prep and travel costs.
I will beat any written quote you receive from another direct access barrister or firm of solicitors. JUST SEND AND ASK.
I can (but only if I have time) act on some civil cases by coming on record and dealing with the case from start to finish - however that will only be on high value civil disputes.
I can offer fixed fees based on what should be the normal amount of prep needed on the case + the number of pre trial hearings through to a 1 day trial.
If any witness statement or position statement has to be drafted you will have to do the first draft but I can prep them for court.
Of course the fee quote will have to change if your trial is listed for more than 1 day, or if other hearings are listed e.g. Strike Out Applications or Relief from Sanctions Hearings. The quote will include all prep and travel costs.
I can act on on all other civil and family cases by doing an agreed amount of prep and/or drafting on the case and attending an agreed number of hearings. In these cases I DO NOT come on record, You will be a litigant in person. I offer fixed fees based on the agreed work required.
I offer drafting services e.g. letter before action, claim forms, particulars of claim, defences, applications etc. I offer fixed fees based on the agreed work required.
If I draft anything and it needs to be sent to the court or uploaded on e.g., E-filing, you will have to arrange that. I cannot as I am not on record. You will be a litigant in person.
I need to be paid in full before I do any drafting.
I can also prepare court bundles.
I can attend any court hearing anywhere in England and Wales at a fixed price, which will include my travel and any accommodation needed and disbursements.
If you book me to attend a hearing that is only pencilled in. The booking is NOT CONFIMED until you pay a holding deposit, If someone pays the holding deposit before you, you will lose the booking.
If I attend court for you and I have to prepare e.g. a skeleton argument, or comment on your position statements, or if I am ordered to draft the order after the hearing, I will have to charge additional fees for my time.
If you want me to prepare a bundle for a hearing, I have bundling
software and I will have to charge additional fees.
If I am travelling a long distance I may have to come the night before so a B&B will have to be charged and if the case is listed for more than 1 day, I would need a B&B and meals for the additional days.
I am willing to give all clients a 15 minute free telephone consultation you must call the office to set up an appointment on 0191.3692383.
This call is simply to understand if it is a type of case I can take on and check my diary for free dates. To be clear it will only be for 15 minutes, if you want more time that has to be billed.
If you decide to instruct me I will send you a fee proposal. If you want me to review any papers to advise you on the merit of your case I will charge a minimum of 1 hours time.
I will not accept numerous calls or numerous emails for you to "seek clarification" before instructing me as if you do that then the time will be billed.
If I quote a price for a trial and it then goes off for judgment to be given, or for sentence to be issued to another date, then a further fee will have to be agreed.
If you instruct me to attend trial on a civil case, tribunal or mediation and you have prepared the case yourself then you shall accept that I will only be able to put forward the case you have claimed or are defending.
If you want a separate conference with me before the trial, then a minimum charge for a 1 hour conference will be £250.
Welcome! Please contact us if you need any legal assistance